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Ep. 271: NASA's Most Expensive Programs

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is always working on something neat, from landing men on the moon, to looking back billions of years through space time with amazing telescopes.

On this episode, Nick Emel invites fellow space nerd, Steven Clark, onto the show to discuss the Top 10 Most Expensive NASA Programs to date – including everything from the Apollo missions to the moon-base missions in progress today. 

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10ish Podcast, Top 10 Lists, Comedy Podcast, Edutainment, lists, top ten, NASA, james webb telescope, hubble telescope, mars rover, curiosity rover, most expensive missions, apollo missions, apollo program, moon landing, moon base, mars, top 10 nasa, top ten nasa

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10ish Podcast, Top 10 Lists, Comedy Podcast, Edutainment, lists, top ten, NASA, james webb telescope, hubble telescope, mars rover, curiosity rover, most expensive missions, apollo missions, apollo program, moon landing, moon base, mars, top 10 nasa, top ten nasa


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