We're putting Top 10ish Lists aside for one week to answer your most burning questions. On this episode, Nick and Brandon answer questions submitted by listeners on...well, a whole bunch of shit.
TOPICS INCLUDE...COVID-19 and when will we get past it, what were Nick and Brandon like in high school, the BREAKFAST CLUB, Rudy Giuliani, a 72-ounce steak, the best places to visit in the U.S., teenage Nick's anti-authority crusade, the Top 10ish Lists we've spent the most time researching, a preview of upcoming list topics, fighting a lion or 100 cats, guessing news headlines in 2021, Brandon hangs out alone in his garage, THE SOPRANOS, our music guilty pleasures, Nick vs. Brandon in a "who is manlier" competition, surviving during the apocalypse, new and emerging currencies, peanut butter blood, and MUCH more.
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